Apr 1, 2021. | Interviews
Much has already been written about the effect of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups, yet there is another vulnerable group whose lives have changed rapidly. We prepared an interview with a nursing assistant Maxence N’Guyen from France to encourage everyone and thank...
Jan 25, 2021. | Interviews, News
The world has witnessed healthcare workers risk their own safety to protect others in the face of COVID -19. This fight against coronavirus continues and will not be possible without these modern heroes. Meet Oliver Cochereau, Swiss Rock’n’Roll dancer, WRRC...
Jan 5, 2021. | Interviews, News
“If we are united, everything will be easier to manage” We continue to tell the stories about the Emergency and Frontline real-life heroes keeping us and our families safe to encourage and say THANK YOU. Meet Tania Vianello, WRRC Boogie Woogie Dancer...
Dec 26, 2020. | Interviews, News
If there’s ever been a time that we need heroes, it’s now. The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented health and economic challenges. Many heroes of this time live among us and our aim is to highlight as many people as we can to inspire all of you. We are proud...
Oct 18, 2020. | Interviews, News
Dear Dancers, Trainers and Officials! The announcements for the first online competition are over and I must admit that, as WRRC President, I am a little disappointed regarding the number of announced couples and countries, especially in the Main Class Contact style...
Oct 10, 2020. | Interviews
Young Italian national Boogie Woogie champions revealed why they chose Boogie and how they see Boogie in future. Meet Fabio and Arianna! Why did you start Boogie Woogie? It may not be a popular choice for your generation these times. We started Boogie Woogie because...
Sep 20, 2020. | Interviews
It’s unrealistic to expect to understand the unique experience of developing a brand new sport for the whole country. Nevertheless we made a try. Read the interview with Megan Bolton and get inspired by the history of developing Rock’n’Roll in Australia 1. What’s it...
Sep 11, 2020. | Interviews
“Perhaps now we will be able to see the best edition from each couple and formation” Read the interview with the WRRC President Miriam K. Izak to get to know all the benefits and challenges of the upcoming online competitions. Will this kind of global...
Aug 10, 2020. | Interviews
Meet Bartlomiej Kobylanski, WRRC Vice-President and a 4x MC World Champion coach from Poland. Read the interview with the legendary Rock’n’Roll coach and dancer to get to know what objective, basic aspects and secret weapons exist in coaching and learn 12...