“Perhaps now we will be able to see the best edition from each couple and formation”
Read the interview with the WRRC President Miriam K. Izak to get to know all the benefits and challenges of the upcoming online competitions.
Will this kind of global energy of moving to online events help our sport become stronger
I’m sure we need all kinds of support to keep motivation high and to get going.
Our priority must be not to lose the momentum and only then we can look for expansion.
It is not easy to train without a real goal and with uncertainty for the future.
Can online competition be considered as an opportunity to create something absolutely new? Then what will it be like?
For sure this is a special kind of »competition«. The couples can repeat the recording several times until they are happy with their performance.
Perhaps now we will be able to see the best edition from each couple and formation.
Of course there will be challenges – technical and logistical – how to check that the recording is not a mix (or does it really matter), how to check that the couples doesn’t send the same recording over and over again.
But I’m sure overall we will succeed to produce something good.
What kind of restrictions for participating will take place?
Of course only the registered dancers will be able to take part. We need a first event to see if some restrictions of number of participants should apply.
The logistic behind the music and recordings will be of course challenging, but we will learn on the way.
Is there a chance that online competitions can become more popular than the traditional ones? Why?
I think this will not happen. Online events can’t replace the thrill in a full competition hall, the adrenalin rushing when a couple follow other competitors and overall aura on the competition.
On the other hand, such events could be used for dancers from remote areas, for special occasions when it is difficult to travel and for special projects.
Perhaps we can even establish an online World cup ranking or similar.
We must wait and be prepared for all kind of results.