1. Minutes from the last Presidium Meeting All decisions have been implemented or are in the process of implementation. The topics which have not been finished yet, will be discussed on the next meeting. 2. General meeting 2024 & celebration The presidium...
Server migration phase two

Server migration phase two

Server migration, phase two Dear all, We’d like to inform you that our web provider has scheduled a migration of our web pages to new servers on April 17, 2024. Expected end of migration is April 18, 2024. During this migration process, there is a possibility of...
Server migration phase two

RR Music submission guidelines for WRRC competitions

RR Music submission guidelines for WRRC competitions Dear all,  In light of recent situations we had surrounding music submission and approval processes prior to competitions, we would like to remind you of the document outlining all aspects related to music on the...
Server migration phase two

Server migration

Server migration Dear all, We’d like to inform you that our web provider has scheduled a migration of our web pages to new servers on March 6, 2024. During this migration process, there is a possibility of work stoppages lasting up to one hour. Additionally,...
Server migration phase two

Latest news from WRRC

​Latest news from WRRC – World Rock’N’Roll Confederation Dear dancers and coaches, We have some news regarding the music on the competitions. Boogie Woogie The Boogie Woogie Commission has compiled the new music list for the competitions in 2024. You can...
Server migration phase two

Info about Cork

Info about Cork Dear Members, The WRRC Presidium has received several requests for a European Championship RR Main Class Free Style since the competition is important for the financing of the couples on national level. We haven’t received any additional...