Dear Members, Dancers, Officials, Trainers
Below you can find some important information for the year 2020!
Like previous years, we have opened the Fast Registration Protocol (FRP), where you will have the opportunity to register your dancers, couples and formations in one package:
The address is
The fast registration process is the same as in previous years, so you can start using it at once. On the front page of the Registration tool, there is a short description of the procedures. Please read it carefully and proceed as instructed there.
When deciding to delete a couple or a dancer please make sure you don’t want to see the data anymore in the database. If the couple/dancer/formation is not active, just leave them without registration and they will not be visible on the active sides, but they will remain in the database
The FRP will be active until 10.02.2020. After that, the process will be closed and you will need to reactivate the remaining dancers one by one. After the FRP is closed you will be able to add new dancers, couples, formations and register your team members for competitions that follow in 2020.
After the FRP is closed, you will be also able to start using the registration of acrobatic elements for the Main Class Free Style and Main Class Contact Style Couples. There were some changes in the values of the acrobatic elements in all classes, so we will delete all previously stored acrobatic programs. Please make sure that you register the programs for couples MCFS and MCCS, as well as for Formations Main Class before you make the announcement on the competition in Ljubljana (18-19.04.2020)!
Valid age groups for 2020 are listed below:

Prices for registration fee in 2020 (Presidium decision January 13, 2020):
- The registration fee for participants (couple and/or formation), per person and year 25 €
Clarification: If one person is dancing in couples and formations, only one fee must be paid.
3. Rock’n’Roll – Overview of changes:
Following the decision of the Presidium Meeting from 29-30.11.2019, following changes (marked with yellow) were implemented for Rock’n’Roll categories:

Category Duo Rock show was completely canceled.
Prices for registration fee in 2020 (Presidium decision January 13, 2020):
- The registration fee for participants (couple and/or formation), per person and year 25 €
Clarification: If one person is dancing in couples and formations, only one fee must be paid.
4. Changes in final music for couples
Due to the changes in the length of dancing and/or tempo of the music, all previously approved final music for couples (RR Children, RR Juveniles, RR Juniors, RR MCCS, RR MCFS, RR CDS) will be deleted!
Please register your new music in time, and do not wait to the last possible moment before the competitions in Ljubljana (18-19.04.2020)!
5. Rock’n’Roll Juniors – implementation of obligatory groups
The transition period for the new rules about the acrobatic elements is over. From 01.01.2020 the rules about the obligatory 4 acrobatic elements from 6 possible groups according to SAFETY LEVEL 3 will be implemented:
- + Acro Group1 elements from SL4
- Specificity: acrobatic elements with a maximum of 360° of rotation around sagittal/lateral axis
- Allowed grip: constant grip
- + Exceptional Figures
- + Acro Group2 elements from SL4
- Typical RR acrobatics around the waist: e.g. shalom, horse…
- Teller, spiral
- In special element we can have 2 groups in one acrobatic element (shalom with the pose is 2 groups acro but not a combination)
- Elements in combination receive their own individual group.
Obligatory acrobatic groups are checked and counted in ½ finals and finals!
6. Revision of the acrobatic elements for 2020 (RR Main Class Free Style, Main Class Contact Style, Main Class Formations)
The WRRC Sport Commission revised the complete catalog for the Main Class Free Style and Main Class Contact Style acrobatics. The new version of Acro-calculator for 2020 will be available both as the public version, and the official version inside the WRRC-Registration system.
Since there were some changes in the values of the acrobatic elements in all classes, we will delete all previously stored acrobatic programs. Please make sure that you register the programs for couples MCFS and MCCS, as well as for Formations Main Class before you make the announcements on the competition in 2020!
7. New Classification of the rounds on all WRRC competitions
Division of Rounds for formations on all competitions, valid from 01.01.2020:

Division of Rounds for couples on all competitions, except World Cup Final, valid from 01.01.2020:

8. WRRC Annual General Meeting – Paris, France, 13-15.03.2020
Please follow the information published on our home page. Please respect the deadline for announcements and your motions:
- deadline for announcement of delegates and guests: 25.01.2020
- deadline for motions: 01.02.2020
9. World Games 2021 – Ranking list for RR MCFS
According to the decision of the Presidium meeting from 12-13.01.2020, European Championship Rock’n’RoLl Main Class Free Style will be open also for couples from other continents, and included in the Ranking list for the World Games 2021. Couples will be selected according to the following criteria:
- Combined ranking list
- World Cup 2020
- Open European Championship 2020
- World Championship 2020
- Selection (14 couples)
- One couple per continent
- One couple per country
- Basic requirement as set by IWGA – both athletes holding the passport of the country they represent
WRRC Office:
Kresimir Bosnar