ITEM 1 Welcome by the President and definition of formalities
The President, Miriam Kerpan Izak, welcomed all delegates, officials, and auditors, and opened the meeting.
The President confirmed that the General Meeting had been duly convened and was quorate. There were 31 delegates/proxies from 17 countries present at the meeting, (29 delegates from the ordinary members with the right to vote, 2 proxy delegates from the ordinary members with the right to vote, 1 delegate from the provisional members with no right to vote). For the simple majority, 16 votes were needed, for the 2/3 majority 21 votes were needed.
The President explained that by the Statutes, we can use electronic voting during the GM, over the platform Mentimeter, and appointed Patrice de la Torre, VP for legal affairs as the scrutineer for the evoting.
The President informed the meeting that guests were present and asked for the meeting’s approval to allow them the presence in the hall.
Question for the electronic voting:
- Do you agree to allow guests, appointed by national federations, to be present in the room during GM?
31 | 0 | 0 | 31 |
(1) Guests can be present during the GM.
The President informed the meeting about the operating policy regarding the presentation of the motions and discussions connected to them:
• Speakers presenting the topic (Delegates, Presidium members), excluding the presentations of the
Auditors and Final Budget: 3 minutes
• Discussion: 1 minute, only one time on one topic
• Voting: 30 seconds
• All speakers should come to the podium to present their topics
ITEM 2 Approval of the Minutes of the last GM 2023 – Prague
Minutes of the General Meeting 2023 were distributed to all Members over regular channels. There was no discussion about the minutes.
Question for the electronic voting:
- Do you approve the minutes of GM 2023 in Prague?
31 | 0 | 0 | 31 |
(2) Minutes from the General Meeting 2023 were approved.
ITEM 3 Approval of the Agenda of the General Meeting
The Agenda for the General Meeting was included in the document for the delegates.
The president explained that Italy/Presidium would like to withdraw the motion regarding the member federation.
Question for the electronic voting:
- Do you approve the Agenda of the General Meeting 2024 without the motion of Italy?
30 | 0 | 0 | 30 |
(3) The Agenda for GM 2024 was approved.
ITEM 4 Presentation of reports
All Reports were distributed in writing to all WRRC Members and announced delegates.
President asked all Presidium members and Commissioners if they wanted to add something to their reports, but they confirmed that their reports were final.
Delegate from Ukraine: What has been done or communicated to the couples who participated in the international competition in Moscow?
President’s answer: The couples who participated were not and are not registered within WRRC for 2023 and 2024. From a legal point of view, we can’t do anything.
Delegate of Czech Republic: Has a collaboration been found for Spain and the United States?
Edilio Answer: These nations are no longer WRRC members, and I have no contact with them.
Delegate from Switzerland: asks if the continued decrease of the budget could be a problem?
Marina’s response: the situation is critical because we don’t have enough competitions on the calendar, but we are sure it will be resolved soon.
Report Boogie-Woogie Commissioner:
Delegate from Sweden: The project of developing the new system of judging seminars for Boogie Woogie was done excellently.
Delegate from Slovenia: The same goes for Rock’n’Roll. Both BW and RnR seminars were conducted in a clear way for everyone.
There were no questions to the reports of
- President
- Vice President Communication
- Vice President Education
- Vice President Legal Affairs
- Sport Director
- Medical Commissioner
- Antidoping
ITEM 5 Auditors’ report
Both Auditors -(Gritli Ramschag-Wolein and Daniele Fuog)- presented their report to the GM. The report is in Appendix 2 of these minutes.
ITEM 6 Approval of all reports
President proposed to vote about the approval of all reports:
Questions for the electronic voting:
Do you agree to vote for all reports in one package?
27 | 4 | 0 | 31 |
Do you approve all presented reports and Balance sheet for 2023?
31 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
(4) All Reports and the Balance sheet for 2023 were approved.
ITEM 7 Decisions on the discharging of all org
Question for the electronic voting:
- Do you agree to discharge all organs of the WRRC for the financial year 2023?
31 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
(5) All organs of the WRRC were discharged for the financial year 2023.
ITEM 8 Presidium Motions:
P01 – Statutes changes: Sport director to Vice President for Sport and Financial director tor Vice President for Finance
The Presidium motion included a complete analysis of the financial impact to all events in 2024. The analysis has shown that everyone will profit from the changes.
Delegate of Germany: according to the laws of our nation we cannot pay the athletes directly.
Delegate of Switzerland: perhaps the new registration fee could only increase formations competitions.
President: the Presidium will prepare a table to have a balance of categories in each event
Question for the electronic voting:
- Do you agree with the New Fee Scale?
31 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
(7) The changes of the Fee Scale valid from 01.01.2024 were accepted unanimously.
P03 – Membership Italy
The motion was withdrawn by the Italian delegate.
ITEM 9 Presentation and approval of the Budget 2024
The Budget was distributed to all WRRC members and delegates in advance. The Vice president for Finance, Marina Eskolin, gave some additional explanations regarding the budget. Following that the proposed changes of the Fee Scale were accepted, the actual budget is the one connected with the new Fee Scale
Question for the electronic voting:
- Do you approve the budget for 2024 and the provisional budget for 2025 based on the changed Fee Scale?
31 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
(8) The Budget for 2024 and the provisional Budget for 2025 were approved.
ITEM 10 Members’ Motions:
M01 – Sweden – Boogie Woogie
The delegate from Sweden presented the motion and the reasons behind it.
Question for the electronic voting:
• Do you agree to assign Boogie-Woogie Commission/WRRC Presidium to communicate with dancers and member associations, collect feedback and evaluate how the regulations can be assessed. The evaluation work and conclusions shall be finished and reported before AGM 2025.
28 | 0 | 3 | 31 |
(9) The motion is passed.
M02 – Ukraine_1 – Russian participation
The delegate from Ukraine presented the reasons to prolonge the decision from 2023 for another year.
Delegate from Sweden: Our sports movement is still against the participation of Russian athletes in competitions.
Delegate from Bosnia Herzegovina: it’s time to reopen the participation of Russian athletes in our competitions, I propose to review the WDSF guidelines.
President: WDSF follows IOC guidelines that allow athletes to dance as Neutral, although it is difficult to establish who is a Neutral athlete
Delegate from Czech Republic: I think it will be a problem if Russian dancers danced at an event, what atmosphere could we have?
Delegate from Finland: we support Ukraine’s motion.
Delegate from Norway: we are in favor of Ukraine’s motion.
Question for the electronic voting:
- Do you agree to prolonge the decision of the GM 2023 till the next General Meeting 2025 about the situation of Russian dancers
21 | 3 | 7 | 31 |
(10) The motion was accepted as follows:
M03 – Ukraine_2 – Members
After a long discussion by different delegates the delegate from Ukraine presented his changed motion with the following text:
“To inform all WRRC members that any cooperation with WFASD as well as the participation of WRRC members in any eventso rganized by this organisation, is, at the very least, an action contrary to the interests of WRRC, and according to the Statute, such members shall be expelled from the Confederation.”
Question for the electronic voting:
- Do you suppport the new motion of Ukraine Federation?
2 | 26 | 3 | 31 |
The motion is not passed.
M04 – Ukraine_3 – National anthem
Question for the electronic voting:
- Do you agree with the obligatory performance of the national anthem for the winners of competitions at all events of the WRRC
27 | 3 | 1 | 31 |
The motion is passed.
M05 – Ukraine_4 – duo categories
Question for the electronic voting:
- Rock and Roll Duo categories (duo girls/duo ladies)
M06 – Ukraine_5 – Heats order Question for the electronic voting:
- At one tournament, each couple/formation may dance a maximum of two times in the first heat.
10 | 17 | 3 | 30 |
The motion is not passed.
M07 – France_1 – Elections COMMENT:
Delegate from Sweden: we do not support this motion because we think it is right to be able to choose the right people for the right role. In Sweden we had very bad results with closed lists. We think it’s not democratic.
Delegate from Bosnia and Herzegovina: we want to be able to choose every single person.
Delegate from France: At the national level we use this method for the elections of our federation, and we have no problems.
President: we discussed in the presidium, we are neither against nor in favor; However, we think that discussion is always the best form of democracy and growth for ideas and projects. There may be candidates on the lists who do not have the support of their national federation.
Delegate from France: As mentioned in the presentation of the motion, to belong to a list, each candidate must obtain a letter of recommendation from their national federation, and this letter must be transmitted to the election committee.
Question for the electronic voting:
- Do you agree to modify the statutes? Articles 10.5: Election, to have a mode of election by list.
2 | 28 | 1 | 31 |
The motion is not passed.
M08 – France_2 – Deductions
Question for the electronic voting:
- We ask to the GM to vote for a complete reform of the penalty system, so that is fairer and in harmony with sports like ours. The project must be studied and proposed by the Sport Commission.
24 | 4 | 3 | 31 |
The motion is passed.
ITEM 11 Any other item
The President thanked all members who attended these two days of Forum and GM and in particulary for the celebration 40th Anniversary.
Ljubljana, 10.03.2024
Minutes: Edilio Pagano