Dear members and dancers,
On May 4, 2019 the Chinese DanceSport federation will organize a World Cup RR MC Free Style, MC Contact Style and Juniors, together with some Standard and Latin events in Shijiazhuang China.
The competition is supported by government, so there is no risk of cancellation, other than »force majeure«.
As you have seen the organizer will provide two overnight stays with breakfast for all participating couples and some Prize Money for the Final MC Free Style.
WRRC is of course interested to have many couples from many countries on the competition, so we have decided to support each nation who will send the couples.
Each national federation will receive 400 € subsidy per category of participating couples. So it means, that you will receive 400 € if you have couple(s) in one category, 800 € if you have them in two categories and 1200 € if you have them in all three categories.
You have to send the claim to WRRC Financial director, a copy of flight ticket payment is required.
WRRC will try to organize a possibility for training for all couples on Thursday May 2 and Friday, May 3. We are currently discussing about this with the organizer. We will let you know as soon as we have the details.
Please don’t forget that visa is obligatory for most travelers, so handle it on time and don’t forget you passport must be valid at least 6 month after your travel to China.
More information will follow!
Miriam Kerpan Izak
WRRC President
Ljubljana, February 5, 2019