SAP World Cup Final 2019 – Regulations
Following the decisions from the Presidium meeting in Zagreb, January 11-14.2019, point 4.1 about the SAP World Cup final 2019, we have published the new document with the regulations regarding the qualifications, announcements and modalities of competition flow. You can find the detailed rules in the section “Overall Rules of Competitions – SAP WORLD CUP FINAL REGULATIONS“.
One of the most important changes is the regulation about the qualification and announcements of couples on the Sap World Cup final:
- In each category, top 20 couples on the World Cup Ranking List are qualified.
- Each nation can announce 2 additional couples outside the quota of qualified couples. No other additional announcements will be possible.
These rules were published already in January 2019, in the minutes of the Presidium meeting, but now they are collected all in the new, revised document. You can view and download the regulations also here: