Dear Members, Dancers, Officials, Trainers,
Below, you can find some important information regarding the WRRC competition year 2025!
1. Registration of Dancers, Couples, and Formations
The registration process for the 2025 season is open!
The Fast Registration Protocol (FRP) allows national federations to activate dancers, couples and formations in three simple steps. The FRP remains active throughout the year, making reactivation easier.
National administrators are reminded to complete registrations well in advance to avoid delays with music submissions and competition applications.
After registering new competitors, please inform WRRC to ensure a swift completion of all necessary procedures.
Invoices for the WRRC Registration Fees have already been sent to all national federations. Please ensure timely payment to avoid administrative issues.
- WRRC Judges
All WRRC judges must be registered exclusively through the WRRC Registration System.
Judges who are not fully registered (activated, licensed, seminar attendance verified, and license fees paid) will not be assigned to competitions.
All federations must complete these procedures early to ensure a smooth assignment process.
All Rock’n’roll judges with valid licenses in 2024. Will be granted valid license for 2025. also. Everyone will be obliged to participate in a small practice seminar for judges, with licenses extended until the end of 2025.
Before each event, a short online refreshment session will be required for all judges.
A transparent evaluation and training system for WRRC judges has been approved.
The WRRC Registration System will soon include the schedule for judges’ assignments at planned competitions in 2025.
- Valid Age Groups in 2025
The updated age group categories are available in the WRRC Rulebook. Please refer to the official WRRC website for the complete list.
- WRRC AGM 2025 – Velika Gorica, Croatia
The WRRC Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2025 will take place in Velika Gorica, Croatia. National federations are required to submit all delegates and guests applications and motions within the official deadline.
The following key topics will be presented during the Workshop/Forum:
- WRRC Rock’n’Roll scoring system – acrobatic and dance updates (implementation in 2026)
- Competition round structure revisions
- Strategic roadmap for the World Games 2029 (Karlsruhe)
- Expansion projects – School programs and more
- WDSF Associate Membership Contract
All Presidium members and commission chairs must submit their 2024 reports to the WRRC Office by February 10, 2025.
- Competitions & World Cup Final
Due to a reduced number of events in recent years, WRRC still invites potential organizers to apply for competitions in May 2025. Interested organizers should contact WRRC as soon as possible.
To enhance the World Cup Final, all couples will now be eligible to participate, and competition results will be included in the overall WRRC ranking.
International Open Events are now available with the following conditions:
- Open to WRRC-registered competitors only.
- Organized within national events.
- Judging by at least 50% WRRC-licensed officials.
- Must follow the WRRC NJS system.
- Results will be counted with a 0.4 ranking factor (best two results included in ranking lists).
The interested organizers should apply for an International open to info@wrrc.dance.
All planned competitions are visible in the WRRC Calendar.
- Updated Rules
WRRC Presidium has accepted new rules regarding:
- Formation participation rules (minimum 50% of couples/participants must come from the representing country).
- Competition organizers must now provide a ‘hot seat’ for leading couples/formations in the final rounds.
WRRC Presidium is in process of RR rules revision:
- Rock’n’Roll scoring (bonus system, deductions, and criteria simplifications) – in final phase of preparation – will be shortly presented on upcoming GM and applicable earliest in 2026.
- Expansion & Development Projects
WRRC continues working on:
- School expansion projects to increase participation worldwide.
- World Games inclusion efforts
- Marketing improvements
- WRRC Registration System – National Administrator Seminar
A seminar for national administrators will be organized soon, focusing on registration procedures and best practices. Details will be announced on the WRRC website and through emails to national federations.
- Communication & Updates
All updates, documents and rule changes will be regularly published on the WRRC website. National federations are strongly encouraged to check the WRRC Registration System frequently to stay informed of any required actions.
With sportive regards,
WRRC Office