The President opened the meeting on January 17, 2025, at 16:00

1. Minutes from the last Presidium Meeting

All decisions from the previous two meetings have either been implemented or are currently in the process of implementation.

2. Resignation of VP for legal affairs

The Presidium acknowledged the resignation of Patrice de la Torre from the position of VP Legal Affairs. Although the Presidium regretted the situation, the Presidium emphasized the importance of adhering to transparency and ethical standards. A letter will be drafted to all member federations, inviting nominations for this role. Nominations must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the AGM to allow for review and publication. During this interim period, the responsibilities will be managed by other Presidium members.

(220) The Presidium formally accepted the resignation of Patrice de la Torre and approved the process for calling nominations for VP Legal Affairs


Review of WDSF contract and compliance

The Presidium reviewed the latest draft of the new WDSF associate membership contract. Discussions focused on financial terms, compliance requirements, and the clarity of language regarding adherence to WDSF statutes. The need for revisions to specify applicable rules was emphasized. The contract will be revised accordingly, with mutual agreement required before any changes to fees or compliance obligations.

(221) The Presidium approved the ongoing revisions to the WDSF contract and appointed the President for further discussion with WDSF.

WDSF General Meeting 2025 in Bucharest

The President informed the Presidium that the WDSF Annual General Meeting 2025 will take place in Bucharest on June 15, 2025. Lena Arvidsson and Marina Eskolin will represent WRRC.

(222) The Presidium appointed Lena Arvidsson and Marina Eskolin as WRRC representatives on WDSF AGM 2025 in Bucharest Romania.

4. Finance

Marina Eskolin presented the WRRC finances, highlighting the final balance sheet, outstanding subsidies and the budget plan for 2025. Subsidies for member federations from 2024 starting fees will be disbursed by February 28, 2025, provided claims are submitted by February 15, 2025. A discussion on revising the fee scale for provisional members was tabled for future review.

(223) The Presidium approved the WRRC Financial balance for 2024 and the Budget for 2025. The documents will be included in the GM documentation.

(224) The Presidium approved the distribution table for subsidies from the collected starting Fees in 2024. The NF will be informed about the amount and process. The Presidium reserves the right to request the money back if it will not be spent for couples from RR MCFS and BW Main Class.

5. Commissions

Due to the resignation of Patrice de la Torre a new commission member is needed for Music commissions.

Additionally, Denis Lilih proposed to establish an IT commission and to change one member in judging commission.

VP for Sport Denis Lilih will organize initial meetings for this commissions to ensure all the tasks run smoothly. If needed also Tihomir Doric will be included.

(225) The Presidium appointed Petr Lukavsky from Czech Republic to the Music commission.

(226) The Presidium established an IT commission and appointed Larisa van der Graaf (NED) and Bostjan Marinko (SLO) to the commission.

(227) The Presidium changed a member in judging commission. A new appointed member is Dragana Gomaz (CRO) instead of Larisa van der Graaf (NED).

6. WRRC AGM 2025, Velika Gorica Croatia.

Detailed preparations, including the agenda, logistics, and member communication, were discussed.

(228) The following topics will be presented during the Workshop/Forum:

The WRRC Rock’n’Roll scoring system – acrobatic and dance part – to be implemented in 2026

The WRRC structure of the competition rounds

A road back to the World Games (Karlsruhe 2029)

Expansion – school project & more

WDSF new associated membership contract

(229) All Presidium members and commission chairs must send their report for 2024 to the WRRC Office latest on Feburary 10, 2025.

7. Competitions

In the last two years we have faced a reduced number of WRRC events which have reached a critical point in 2025, since there are almost no events in the spring part of the season. So, despite the deadline, the Presidium still invites any potential interested organizer for an event in May 2025 – for the categories RR main Class Free Style, RR Main Class contact Style, RR Juniors, RR Juveniles.

To make the World Cup final more significant and to enhance the overall event calendar with additional competitions, the Presidium discussed potential changes.

(230) World Cup final – all couples can participate at the World Cup Final. The competition will be included in overall ranking. Possible competition structure changes will be discussed later.

(231) The WRRC will implement International Open events with the following conditions:

The event can be included in a local event of an organizer and have the status International Open for one or more WRRC categories.

In the International open categories only WRRC registered competitors can take part

The organizer must follow the WRRC NJS system and at least 50% of judges must be WRRC licensed judges.

The organizer can apply for an International Open in a period of 3 to 8 months before the planned date. The competition can’t collide with an official WRRC event date. The presidium can approve or reject the application based of the free dates in WRRC calendar for each category. In any case there can’t be more than 2 events per category in spring or autumn.

The results will be counted on WRRC ranking lists with a factor of 0,4. Two (2) best results(points) will be included on WRRC ranking list for each couple.

The organizer must provide the results of the competition in WRRC defined data format.

The tournament fee is 200 €, there is no starting fee collected by the WRRC, the payment of judges and other officials is based on agreement between the organizer and each individual official.

(232) Confirmed events:

World Cup Boogie Woogie Valkeakoski, Finland – 13.04.2025

World Cup & European championship – Budapest Hungary – 21.06.2025

o Only one day event will be organized

o Final list of categories:

World Championship Junior formations

European Championship Ladies Formations

World Cup Main Class Contact Style

World Cup Juniors

World Cup Girls Formations (max 6 formations per country)

World Cup Small Ladies Form. (max 6 formations per country)

World Cup Small Girls Form. (max 6 formations per country)

Additional categories in Cracow Poland – 7.12.2025

World Championship RR Girls formations

World Cup Ladies Formations

World Cup Couples dance show

World Cup Children

Fast registration process has been activated for national federations to help register dancers, couples and formations for 2025. Following the experience of the last two years a workshop will be organized for all national administrators.

8. Rules and regulations

During the meeting two zoom session were organized – one with the Sport commission and the other with Judging commission, both related for the planned changes for Rock’n’Roll scoring system.

Acrobatic scoring: Introduction of a bonus system for structural groups and criteria currently resulting in point deductions. Proposal to use point-based deductions instead of percentages for mistakes/execution issues

Scoring the dance: Reorganization of judging criteria for better structure and simplicity, simplified judging for pre-final rounds and alignment with acrobatic scoring changes.

Denis Lilih presented a new competition structure.

Miriam Kerpan Izak presented the updated “Duties of the officials” document.

Denis Lilih also presented a question about the formation members – how many dancers must come from the country which a formation represents

Discussion followed on all points.

(233) New rules for Rock’n’Roll: The Presidium generally approved the proposed changes both for acrobatic and dance. The general concept will be presented at the GM in Velika Gorica and an overall vote for the project will be requested. If confirmed, all the details will be prepared latest by end of May 2025.

(234) A motion for changing a competition structure will be presented at the GM.

(235) The Presidium approved the revised version of the document “Duties of the officials”.

(236) The Presidium approved the following rule: In each couple formation at least 50% of couples must come from the national member they represent. Other couples can come from other WRRC national members.

(237) The Presidium approved the following rule for competition organizers: each organizer must provide a ”hot seat” for the leading couple/formation in the final.

Jiri Hais presented a project “Transparent evaluation and training of WRRC judges” with several important topics: possible control principles, analysis and feedback for the judges, methods of reporting errors to the judges, workshop materials, and online practice.

During the discussion also the necessity of RR judging seminars came up.

(238) The Presidium approved the project. It should be implemented in cooperation with Judging commission.

(239) For the year 2025 only a smaller practice seminar will be organized for RR judges and the licences prolonged for all until the end of 2025. A new seminar will follow with the new rules. Before each event in 2025 a short refreshment online practice will be required for all appointed judges.

(240) Denis Lilih and Miriam Kerpan Izak will make a revision of all folders and WRRC documents, and prepare a clear structure to save everything in one place categorized 

9. Expansion, marketing, communication

Lena Arvidsson presented the status of the expansion project, for RR and BW, options for different countries and some new ideas. Many countries (also WDSF members) are more interested in developing formation categories and not so much in including new couple categories.

Priorities were identified and adequate resources will be needed to fulfill all goals.

It is very important that also all existing national members understand their role in expansion and in efforts to come back to the World Games.

A special “School project” could help acquiring representatives of new countries in a shorter time.

(241) The Presidium approved the work of the Expansion commission and planned activities.

World games

Denis Lilih reported about the meeting with Chantal Epp from Click&Clear, regarding the licenced music for WRRC events. A challenge remains because most of the songs used on our song list are not available by Click&Clear.

In our way back to the World games more events for Rock’n’Roll Main Class Free Style are required. It is also very important that some of them take place in Germany – at least one per year. The workshop during the GM will be focused on activities to get stronger regarding the reinclusion into the World Games.

TIK TOK manager

We received three offers. Two of them exceed our financial possibilities, for the third one extra information will be requested. Bartlomiej Kobylanski is responsible for this task.

10. Next Presidium meeting

The next meeting is planned online in mid-February to define everything required from GM 2025.

The meeting during the GM weekend is planned for Friday March 7, 2025, at 14:00.

The meeting was adjourned on Saturday, January 18, 2025, at 18:30.

Minutes: Approved by WRRC Presidium

WRRC President Miriam Kerpan Izak